Dental Care Science Projects for Kids in Middletown, Ohio
Looking for a fun way to teach your child about the importance of good oral health and dental care? Dr. Steven A. Lang, DDS, has you covered. We’ve put together 5 of the best family-friendly toothy science experiments for you to try at home. Who knew brushing and flossing could be fun? We did! And if you’re really really lucky, one of these science experiments may just be the lightbulb moment that inspires your child to take better care of their teeth. You’ll never know until you try.
1. Elephant Toothpaste
Yes, you read that right: elephant toothpaste. This classic experiment creates a steaming tube of foam that resembles a large mammal’s brushing paste. It’s a great way to help kids start thinking of toothpaste as a fun addition to their oral routine that even elephants use. To start this science experiment, here’s what you’ll need:
- An empty plastic bottle (15 to 20 oz)
- 3% hydrogen peroxide
- A packet of dry yeast
- A cup of warm water
- Liquid dishwashing soap
- A funnel
- Food coloring
Step 1: Pour a 1/4 cup of dishwashing soap, 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide, and ten drops of food coloring into the plastic bottle. Swirl it around a bit.
Step 2: In another clean container, mix the dry yeast with a cup of warm water. Let it sit for five minutes.
Step 3: Now, the best part starts! Add the contents of the water yeast mixture to the plastic bottle. A big foam will start rising up the funnel almost immediately.
2. Homemade Toothpaste
Raise your virtual hand if you’ve ever made your own toothpaste? No? Great, now’s the perfect time to change that. Try this homemade toothpaste science project with your kids, and you may just spark an interest in creating a good oral hygiene routine. What you’ll need:
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 4 teaspoons baking soda
- 4 to 5 drops of peppermint or vanilla extract
- A plastic spoon
- A small cup
- Some water
Step 1: Place the baking soda into the small cup and mix it with the salt.
Step 2: Add the peppermint or vanilla extract.
Step 3: Slowly pour water into the mixture until a paste starts to form.
Step 4: Try brushing your teeth using the homemade paste.
Toothpaste science experiments are fun although you’ll notice that it may not taste as nice as the one you bought at the store, but it’ll definitely get the job done.
3. Have a toothpaste showdown.
Which toothpaste do you use? Does it kill harmful bacteria and protect your teeth? Is your toothpaste truly the best there is? This science experiment will answer all these questions. Here’s what you’ll need:
- 3 different brands of toothpaste (the one you use and two others)
- 9 small white stone tiles
- A toothbrush
- A glass of orange juice
- A glass of grape juice
- A cup of tea or coffee
- Three glass bowls that are large enough to hold the stone tiles
Step 1: Put the three tiles into each of the glass bowls.
Step 2: Add coffee or tea to one bowl, grape juice to another, and orange juice to the last one.
Step 3: Allow the tiles to sit in the liquids for at least 24 hours. Then, put one tile from each bowl into one pile, making three groups.
Step 4: Brush the first group of tiles with one toothpaste, the second with a different paste, and the last pile with the third brand of paste. Rinse each tile just like you would your mouth after brushing your teeth.
The brand that removes the most stains from all three tiles is the winner of our toothpaste showdown.
4. Brush up on your teeth-cleaning skills.
Parents who have ever wrangled a toddler and pried their jaws apart in the hopes of passing a toothbrush over at least one tooth can attest to how much of an eternity two minutes can feel like. Let’s help you turn this mundane task into a fun activity you and your child can do together through this toothy science experiment. You’ll need:
- The toothbrush you use at home
- Toothpaste
- One piece of floss that’s at least 12 inches long
- A mirror
- A plaque disclosing tablet. Residents of Middletown, Ohio, can get one from Dr. Lang.
Step 1: Brush your teeth as you normally do using your toothbrush and toothpaste.
Step 2: Chew one plaque disclosing tablet for 30 seconds.
Step 3: Spit the plaque disclosing tablet out. DO NOT SWALLOW IT!
Step 4: Examine your teeth in the mirror. Notice any colorful spots? That’s where plaque and harmful bacteria are.
Step 5: Brush your teeth again, this time paying more attention to the areas with spots.
Pro tip: You’ll have some extra disclosing tablets left. Try this experiment again using a different toothbrush or another brand of toothpaste. Make a game of it to see who’ll have the least colorful spots. And if you’re lucky, the days of bribery and coercion to get your child to brush or floss will soon be but a memory.
5. Plaque Attack
Now this one may just be gross enough to get your kids reaching for their toothbrush. Here’s what you’ll need:
- 4 teaspoons yeast
- 2 cups of warm water
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 2 plastic spoons
Step 1: Add two teaspoons of yeast into each cup of warm water. Pour sugar into one of the cups.
Step 2: Use separate spoons to stir the mixture.
Can you tell which cup you added sugar to? Yes! The one with a brown disgusting foam resembling plaque. That’s what happens when sugar particles accumulate in your mouth.
At Great Miami Dental, we care for your family by caring for your smiles.
Try the toothy science experiments in this article and let us know which one was your favorite on our Facebook page. If you have any other questions about your oral health or at-home dental care, feel free to book an appointment with us. We’ll care for your family by caring for your smiles.